May Is National Bike Safety Month!

May is National Bike Safety Month, which makes a lot of sense as spring is in full bloom. With more bicyclists riding around, it’s a great time for a refresher on bike safety. The goal is to educate both motor vehicle drivers and bicyclists on how to share the road, watch out for one another,…

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Why “Road Rash” Should Be Taken Seriously

“Road rash” sounds like a minor injury, doesn’t it? After all, how bad could a rash really be? Turns out, it can be pretty bad. “Road rash” is the informal name for a friction burn. A kid who falls and scrapes her knee on the sidewalk suffers a kind of road rash; so does the…

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Should We Be Worried About E-Bikes?

Last year, Pittsburgh’s bikeshare program underwent a rebrand. Now known as “POGOH,” the program upgraded its fleet to include electric bicycles, or e-bikes. For a fee, you can use one of POGOH’s bikes almost anywhere in the city. Given the congestion we face from commuters, residents, and college students (plus all the hills), this is…

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