How Do You Sue Private Bus Companies?

The process of suing a bus company may vary depending on the circumstances, your injuries, and the type of bus that hit you. In the case of a private bus accident there are potentially numerous at-fault parties who can be held accountable for damages. Whether you are on a charter bus that you have hired…

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Fatigue and Stress Can Lead to Construction Accidents

Construction work is one of the most stressful and tiring jobs in the United States. Therefore, while many construction accidents happen because of defective equipment, machine problems, or natural disasters, they can also occur due to human factors, such as fatigue and stress. When construction workers are overly exhausted or stressed while on the job,…

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Motorcycle Accident Prevention: Nine Ways to Ride Defensively

Each year, the city of Pittsburgh and state of Pennsylvania have their fair share of motorcycle accidents. Unfortunately, many of these accidents are because other drivers do not pay attention, do not check their blind spots, do not follow traffic laws and speed limits, or simply do not care about the well-being of motorcyclists. If…

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Claiming Workers’ Compensation for Gas and Fracking Injuries

While the oil & gas industry helps the American economy in many different ways, it is also a very dangerous industry that can lead to life-threatening, permanent injuries. The individuals who are employed in this industry are constantly exposed to toxic chemicals, lifting heavy equipment, and using dangerous machinery and tools. Workers in the gas…

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What Is TBI Affective Disorder?

The long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are well-documented. Depending on the severity and the type of damage, a victim may have physical or mobility issues, cognitive issues, or psychological issues for the rest of their lives. Each of these effects is serious, of course, and the long-term care has largely been holistic:…

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Truckers’ ELD Systems May Soon Be Controlled by Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a new tool affecting almost every industry these days. In fact, with increasing use of technology, even truck drivers’ ELD systems will soon be controlled by artificial intelligence. Some people are learning to embrace these new changes, while others believe that it could negatively impact the trucking industry. What is an ELD…

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What You Should Know About Blind Spots on a Tractor-Trailer

Whether you are a daily commuter or a road-tripper, if you drive, you are sure to share the road with all types of vehicles. When on the scenic, sometimes treacherous, mountainous highways of western Pennsylvania leading to Pittsburgh, the presence of trucks increases hazards on the road. While, yes, these increased road risks are in…

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury?

Your skull protects the most complex component of your body, your brain. As you move about your day, your brain sits securely in your skull, protected by delicate cushioning layers, but this complex cushioning system can only protect your brain so much. If you suffer a fall, car crash, assault or any number of head-related…

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What Does a Pittsburgh Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Do?

If you live in Pittsburgh, you know the industrial history of the city. As a long-standing manufacturing and steel production hub, Pittsburgh has been a center for blue-collar work. Hazards of blue-collar jobs revolve around physical injury and in spite of the new industries that are rising to prominence in Pittsburgh job site injuries are…

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How Does a Dram Shop Case Work in Pittsburgh?

We all will recognize a dram shop but maybe not by name. Simply put, it is a for-profit establishment, like a bar, tavern, lounge, restaurant, or club, that serves alcohol to its customers. For a short history lesson, the term “dram shop” comes from England, where gin was sold by the spoonful or “dram.” In…

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